
Extract from  Adobe Reader ULBS Carta

  • performs the management and operative leadership of the university;
  • leads the board of directors;
  • convenes the university senate;
  • appoints vice-rectors based on the consultation of the university senate appoints vice-rectors on the basis of consultation with the university senate
  • organizes the public competition for the selection of the deans of the faculties
  • is responsible for the good management of the patrimony and for the correct management financial position of the university
  • is responsible for the allocation of university resources, as a priority, towards
    the best performing departments and structures;
  • signs official documents, diplomas, documents, financial-accounting documents, diplomas prepared and issued by ULBS;
  • signs the decisions regarding the matriculation regime of the students;
  • signs decisions on employment, sanctioning, modification and termination
    employment relationships of ULBS employees;
  • cancels, with the approval of the university senate, a certificate or a diploma of
    studies when it is proved that it was obtained by fraudulent means or by violation of the provisions of the Code of University Ethics and Deontology;
  • approves the attributions of the auxiliary and non-didactic teaching staff, established in the file individual position;
  • ensures the smooth running of job competitions, in the conditions of observing the quality standards in the university environment, of ethics university law and legislation in force;
  • proposes the structure and nominal composition of the Ethics Commission and
    university deontology;
  • proposes to the board of directors to take the measure of request a employees to perform the full medical examination in exceptional situations, of professional incapacity of psycho-behavioral nature;
  • implements the decisions of the board of directors on the implementation complete medical examination in exceptional situations, of professional incapacity of a psycho-behavioral nature by employees;
  • ensures the conditions for the implementation of the decisions of the board of administration of the ULBS Senate, the Code of Ethics and University Ethics, as well as the other internal normative acts of ULBS;
  • chairs the competition commission for appointing the general manager
    administrative and appoints him to the post, in accordance with the law;
  • presents, in front of the university senate, reports on the fulfillment of the mission and strategic objectives;
  • performs other duties established by the university senate, in accordance with
    the management contract and the legislation in force.
  • presents to the university senate, in March of each year, the report on
    the state of the university;
  • makes public its decisions and those of the board of directors;
  • makes public, by declaration on its own responsibility, the annual offer of
    university tuition, in accordance with the law.
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