The Rector's message

In our university, the most important element, around which the future can be built, is the human resource: students, teachers, auxiliary and non-teaching staff. But this construction cannot be achieved without certain values ​​that serve as a binder: performance, fairness, communication. They are not the only ones I believe in, but they can build a solid foundation, a real foundation on which to build, in the coming years, an authentic community: ULBS..

To get there, we must continue what has been well built, but we must also accelerate our pace in some areas, and in others we must all begin to look in the same direction. My project for ULBS promotes academic freedom, efficient and transparent financial management, ethical standards, and academic integrity, essentially a more flexible and efficient organization, reducing bureaucratic processes and encouraging decision-making transparency, equity and gender balance. In my vision, ULBS must strengthen its prestige and importance in the Sibiu community, become a leader in the education and research market in the Central Region and become a real partner / competitor of major Romanian universities – one respected in the European community and in the global one.

Research-oriented passion and perseverance, community, and critical thinking: this is the paradigm I am proposing and which I believe should guide “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu in the coming years.

As a result, I strongly believe that our mission is to strive for didactic performance and research excellence, by connecting to international technological flows, to become a university of development and innovation. We turn our attention to a university that prepares the sustainable society, becoming itself, through its good practices, a sustainable (“green”) institution, flexible and well-integrated in the community, being permanently in the service of the latter and always enhancing the dynamic qualities of students: creativity, responsibility and critical thinking. In the 2020-2024 term, we aim to place ULBS on solid foundations and in the right direction to create real opportunities for us to successfully address international rankings.

Passion and perseverance oriented towards research, community and critical thinking: this is the paradigm I propose and which I think should guide the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu in the coming years.


Univ. Teacher.dr.habil. Sorin Radu  

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