Intensive Summer Programme Trauma in Neurosurgery
“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu implements the Erasmus+ intensive programme Brain Revealed: Innovative Technologies in Neurosurgery Study – BrainIT.
The project is implemented between September 1st, 2018 and August 31th, 2021 and the partner institutions are „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu (Coordinator), Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Universita degli Studi Niccolo Cusano, Italy and Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgență Sibiu, Romania.
Between 15th – 28th July 2019 the first the summer school BrainIT will be organized in Sibiu and students from all the three universities will participate.
Intensive Summer Programme „Trauma in Neurosurgery”:
Day 1 Synthesis recapitulation – the anatomy and physiology of central nervous system
Day 2 The purpose of clinical examination in modern neurosurgery
Day 3 Modern techniques of medical imaging in the examination of brain and spine
Day 4 Traumatic Brain injuries – types, etiologies
Day 5 Treatment options, indications and management regarding TBI
Day 6 The pre and post-surgery management of the neurosurgical patient
Day 7 Application of biomedical engineering to neurosurgery trauma
Day 8 Hands-on: Basics Surgical Skills
Day 9 Hands-on: sutures under microscope
Day 10 Hands-on: Anastomosis on 3D Printed Artificial Vasc. Models
Day 11 Hands-on: Nerve Coaptation
Day 12 Hands-on: 3D Printed Brain Surgery (approaches, craniotomy, cranioplasty)
Day 13 Hands-on: 3D Printed Brain Surgery (trauma)
Day 14 Overview and evaluation
The number of students accepted to take part in the event: LBUS – 11 students, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria – 7 students; Universita degli Studi Niccolo Cusano – 2 students.
Level of students and selection process
The present Intensive programme/Summer School is addressed to Medicine Bachelor level students, enrolled in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th year of study.
Participating students will be required basic knowledge of general medicine, anatomy and some knowledge in the field of neurology and medical imaging.
The student application file must be sent by email to, until April 10, and will consist of:
–Student application form
-Motivation letter
-Student certificate issued by home university, to show the study level/year of study
-Transcript of records
ECTS-award: the participants at the summer school will be awarded 4 ECTS which will be recognized for their respective study.
The process of selection will be organized respecting the principles of transparency and equality in terms of opportunities of access.
For more information contact
International Relations Department