Pierre Werner și Luxembourg : o viziune pentru Europa
* vineri, 24 mai 2019, la ora 18.00 la Casa Luxembourg, Piața Mică no.16, Sibiu
Dr Elena Danescu, cercetător la Luxembourg Center for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH)/ Université de Luxembourg va prezenta volumul « Pierre Werner and Europe. The Family Archives Behind the Werner Report », recent publicat – cu un Cuvânt-înainte de Jean-Claude Juncker (Președintele Comisiei Europene) și o Prefață de Prof.Harold James (Princeton University) – la prestigioasa editură academică Palgrave Macmillan. De asemenea, va fi proiectat filmul documentar “O vocație europeană” – o incursiune istorică privind rolul Luxembourgului și al personalităților sale în edificarea Europei unite.
Manifestarea se desfășoară în limba română și va fi urmată de o recepție.
Rezervări la adresa de mail : Luxembourg.sibiu@gmail.com
Intrarea liberă, în limita locurilor disponibile.
Pierre Werner and Luxembourg: a vision for Europe
Conference at Casa Luxembourg Sibiu (Romania) – 24 May 2019
On 24 May 2019, Casa Luxembourg Sibiu in Romania will host the academic event Pierre Werner and Luxembourg: a vision for Europe, organised by the Luxembourg Embassy and the Honorary Consulate in Sibiu and the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), together with their partners the European Merit Foundation (Luxembourg), the Pierre Werner Foundation under the aegis of the Fondation de Luxembourg, the publisher Palgrave Macmillan, the University of Luxembourg’s Robert Schuman Initiative for European Affairs and Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. The conference is held under the joint high patronage of Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission and Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg. During the proceedings, Research Scientist Dr Elena Danescu will present her book Pierre Werner and Europe. The Archives Behind the Werner Report, containing a foreword by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and a preface by Professor Harold James from Princeton University, recently released by the prestigious academic publisher Palgrave Macmillan. The academic event organised by the C2DH in Sibiu, aimed at a broad audience, will celebrate the role of Luxembourg and its politicians in the European integration process, while highlighting the country’s long-standing close relationship with Romania and especially the strong ties between Luxembourg City and Sibiu. There will also be a screening of the short biographical documentary “A European vocation”, based on excerpts from original interviews with key European figures and previously unpublished international archives.